Saturday, April 14, 2012
Conflict Resolution Example
This example is not related to the healthcare field, because I have very little experience working in the healthcare field. This is an example of a time when I was working in a restaurant. The restaurant had been going through a lot of changes, and we had just gotten a new general manager. Our team was really close, and we all worked well together, but this general manager had a few ideas that we did not really agree with. A group of managers, myself included, got together to discuss what was going on, and we decided we thought the way things were already being done was the most efficient way of doing things. So we stuck with what we had been doing. I feel that we did not handle this situation in the best way. I think a more effective way of doing things would have been to address our concerns with the new general manager, rather than going behind his back and deciding we were right. The manager did not stick around long, and I really do not blame him for leaving, but I feel like if we had listened and tried to incorporated his ideas we may have been a stronger team, and maybe would have done things more efficiently. One thing I learned from looking back on this situation is that just because people do not think the way I do, that does not mean they are wrong in their thinking. There is always something to learn. Maybe we would have learned that we really were right, but even if that were the case, this could have turned into a learning experience for the general manager. In conflict situations there is not always a right and a wrong, but there is usually someone who learns something they did not already know.
Quality Improvement (class)
There is so much that goes into quality improvement. There is always something that needs needs to be reviewed and changed in order for it to be the best. Quality improvement is a very important aspect of healthcare. Three questions that will help determine what change needs to be made and if the changes made were a change for the good are. What are we trying to accomplish? How will we know that a change is an improvement? What changes can we make that will result in an improvement? Another thing that can be helpful in quality improvement is the PDSA cycle. PDSA stands for plan, do, study, and act. This means that when implementing a change you will make a plan, implement it on a small scale, study the results, and then implement on a larger scale if the results are the intended results.
Something I liked from the discussion in class was the "Swiss Cheese" model that was brought up in class. Often there are different safety checks that have to be bypassed or a few different things that have to go wrong in order for an event to be completely catastrophic, but there are times when this does happen, and it is something that has to be learned from and improved so it it does not happen again.
Something I liked from the discussion in class was the "Swiss Cheese" model that was brought up in class. Often there are different safety checks that have to be bypassed or a few different things that have to go wrong in order for an event to be completely catastrophic, but there are times when this does happen, and it is something that has to be learned from and improved so it it does not happen again.
Quality Control
- What do you consider elements of quality care when receiving healthcare services?
Elements of quality care include knowledgeable, caring staff; proper, working equipment to be able to diagnose and treat problems in a timely manor; and the ability and know how to keep patients safe from injury.
- What do you consider elements of quality care as a professional nurse?
Elements of quality care as a professional nurse include knowledge to keep patients safe from medication errors, and from other injuries; the ability to admit when they do not know something and the humility to ask for help to avoid causing harm; hard working and willing to do the jobs that need to be done even if they are not pleasant jobs!
- Are the two similar or different?
I believe the two are very similar. The patient is not going to receive quality care if the nurse does not posses the qualities listed above.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Motivation (class)
I enjoyed our class discussion on motivation. It was interesting to hear everyone's input about what motivates them. One thing I hadn't thought about before was the point brought up about when bring food to motivate or praise someone, make sure it is not something simple. This could make them feel not valued. I also thought the discussion about money was interesting. People are never going to be satisfied with what they are making, and if you start paying them more to motivate them, they are just going to want to make more. I think that maybe just giving them a bonus would be better that giving them pay raises. Another thing that was interesting is the point that was brought up about the movie ticket, and other things that are handed out to staff, and how it is counted towards their annual income. I did not know that this was happening, and I think it is kind of sneaky, however, it is still nice to get things like that. Although, the money would probably be nice, it is nice to receive things like movie tickets because many times if people are given money they will not use it to do something fun, so giving these movie tickets allows employees to do something fun at no cost to them. Overall I thought this was a fun topic to discuss.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Motivating employees is very important if you want to get things done correctly. An employee might be willing to get things done, but if they are poorly motivated, they probably will not put a lot of thought and effort into it. There are a few things I have noticed that motivate me, and also some things that do the opposite of motivate me.
A couple examples of things that have motivated me in the past are: when I had a regional manager compliment me on a job well done when I was just a new employee. I worked hard, and I felt it paid off when someone noticed my work and said something about it. Another example is a time when I had a manager sit down and talk and work with me. This made me feel like she realized the job I was doing was important, and I was important as an employee.
Some example of times when i have been unmotivated by a managers actions are: when I had a manager who worked with me almost daily, but he never bothered to remember my name. To me this not only meant that he didn't really care about me, but he also didn't recognize the work I had done. Another time is when I had a manager criticize the team I was working with, but he was never there to help us or teach us how we could do a better job. I felt like we were really on our own, and we had to teach ourselves. He wanted us to do everything his way, but he never taught us what his way was.
Motivating employees can be very tricky. It is important to help them and teach them, but they also need to learn somethings on their own, and they need to use and develop their own critical thinking skills. It is also important that the employees don't feel like they are being nagged, or constantly criticized. They need to know that you recognize the things they are doing well.
A couple examples of things that have motivated me in the past are: when I had a regional manager compliment me on a job well done when I was just a new employee. I worked hard, and I felt it paid off when someone noticed my work and said something about it. Another example is a time when I had a manager sit down and talk and work with me. This made me feel like she realized the job I was doing was important, and I was important as an employee.
Some example of times when i have been unmotivated by a managers actions are: when I had a manager who worked with me almost daily, but he never bothered to remember my name. To me this not only meant that he didn't really care about me, but he also didn't recognize the work I had done. Another time is when I had a manager criticize the team I was working with, but he was never there to help us or teach us how we could do a better job. I felt like we were really on our own, and we had to teach ourselves. He wanted us to do everything his way, but he never taught us what his way was.
Motivating employees can be very tricky. It is important to help them and teach them, but they also need to learn somethings on their own, and they need to use and develop their own critical thinking skills. It is also important that the employees don't feel like they are being nagged, or constantly criticized. They need to know that you recognize the things they are doing well.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Hiring, Team Building & Staffing, and Career Development
I have really enjoyed the two weeks of class that we discussed hiring, team building and staffing, and career development. We discussed a lot of things that I felt could help me obtain a job. I felt that discussing different interview questions got me thinking, and helped me feel more prepared for future interviews. I especially liked meeting with Sue in the career development center. I learned so much from her, and I left her office feeling even more confident and ready for interviews.
Team building is obviously something very important, but I feel it is sometimes overlooked, by candidates, during the hiring process. Some people may feel that they are the most qualified candidate for a position, but it is also important to realize that the person that will be hired also needs to fit in with the team in order for things to flow smoothly on the unit.
I am kind of a nerd, but I kind of enjoyed talking about scheduling, and answering the scheduling question on the test. One thing I found interesting about scheduling though was the amount of time that is actually spent doing scheduling, and it makes me wonder why more organizations do not have set schedules, it seems to make most employees happy, and it saves a lot of time.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Budgeting is such a huge responsibility for a hospital. I cannot imagine having that responsibility. Budgeting for a household is complicated enough! There is a lot to consider when preparing a budget for a hospital. You have to consider the cost of personnel, housekeeping, medical supplies, cleaning supplies, utilities, water, insurance, food, emergencies and so much more. It was interesting to see in class how much that specific hospital lost, and how hard it was to decide where to cut back.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
I have realized just recently that change is a little hard for me. My husband and I just bought a house, and though it is a huge upgrade from the apartment we were living in, and it is in a great neighborhood, I still had a hard time moving. We had lived in our apartment for almost 5 years, and I had made a lot of friends in the area. It was kind of hard for me to move away from what I was comfortable with. We have been in our house for almost 2 weeks now, and I am getting used to the change. I have realized that while I have a hard time letting go of what I am comfortable with, I do not have a hard time getting used to new. I like meeting new people, and I am excited to make new friends.
I think we all learned, from our class exercise, that most of us don't do well with change! I thought it was pretty funny, and though I was concerned with my changing grades, I knew everything was going to work out in the end. I actually didn't mind having most of the class grade coming from participation, and I really liked getting out of class early! I am glad that this was just a lesson in change though, because I really was not liking the changes that were made to my participation grades.
I think we all learned, from our class exercise, that most of us don't do well with change! I thought it was pretty funny, and though I was concerned with my changing grades, I knew everything was going to work out in the end. I actually didn't mind having most of the class grade coming from participation, and I really liked getting out of class early! I am glad that this was just a lesson in change though, because I really was not liking the changes that were made to my participation grades.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Power & Patient care models
Power is not something to be taken lightly. There are many people looking up to those in a position of power. It is important to know how to properly use power in order to get things done. Someone in a position of power must look confident in what they are doing and sound confident in what they are saying in order for others to believe them. I like the list on the powerpoint about "the art of using power effectively." This list includes: clear decision making, assertiveness, accountability, willingness to express one's own views, being proactive, and decisiveness. All of these things are very important aspects of being a great leader, and being in a position of power.
Patient care models
I am not currently working, but I think that there is not one single patient care model that works best for every healthcare facility. However in doing research about different types of patient care models I really liked the patient focused nursing care model. This care model focuses on the different players in the healthcare field including the patient, doctors, certified nursing assistants, nurses, physical therapy, etc. and what each of their roles is in caring for the patient. I like this patient care model because it separates different responsibilities, and I think this is the best way to care for a patient. Everyone is trained specifically for their job, and this way the patients gets the best care possible.
Power is not something to be taken lightly. There are many people looking up to those in a position of power. It is important to know how to properly use power in order to get things done. Someone in a position of power must look confident in what they are doing and sound confident in what they are saying in order for others to believe them. I like the list on the powerpoint about "the art of using power effectively." This list includes: clear decision making, assertiveness, accountability, willingness to express one's own views, being proactive, and decisiveness. All of these things are very important aspects of being a great leader, and being in a position of power.
Patient care models
I am not currently working, but I think that there is not one single patient care model that works best for every healthcare facility. However in doing research about different types of patient care models I really liked the patient focused nursing care model. This care model focuses on the different players in the healthcare field including the patient, doctors, certified nursing assistants, nurses, physical therapy, etc. and what each of their roles is in caring for the patient. I like this patient care model because it separates different responsibilities, and I think this is the best way to care for a patient. Everyone is trained specifically for their job, and this way the patients gets the best care possible.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Men vs Women
This article mentioned that one of the biggest difference between men and women is their ability to communicate or as the article puts it (mis)communicate. I also like how this article defined the difference between men and women in positions of authority. The article statesk "Business women use positions of authority to create a supportive, nurturing environment. Men use positions of authority to create a hierarchal environment in which they issue orders and expect obedience" (
The article also lists differences between men and women's styles of leadership. Men's styles are task-oriented, autocratic, comand-and-control, and punishment-oriented. Women's styles are defined as team players, democratic, transformational, and reward-oriented.( )
Men or Women: Who's the Better Leader?
I really thought it was interesting that the study done in this article showed that in almost every area of the study women were thought to be better leaders, however women still are not holding many high leadership positions. A quote that I thought was so true is "women have to work twice as hard to get half as far as men" (
I really enjoyed the video we watched in class about the differences between women and men. I thought it was so interesting how true everything she said is. What she said was a generalization, but I felt it was so true. I had never thought about the differences between men and women as being something that we learned from a young age. I liked how she talked about women avoiding confrontation and how almost everything men do is a competition. I liked how she brought up the sports related phrases that we use in our every day life. I have heard most of them, but I didn't really think about how many common phrases are related to sports. I also liked how she talked about how arguments between women dragged on and on, and with men they were really over when they said they were over. Oh how true this is.
This article mentioned that one of the biggest difference between men and women is their ability to communicate or as the article puts it (mis)communicate. I also like how this article defined the difference between men and women in positions of authority. The article statesk "Business women use positions of authority to create a supportive, nurturing environment. Men use positions of authority to create a hierarchal environment in which they issue orders and expect obedience" (
The article also lists differences between men and women's styles of leadership. Men's styles are task-oriented, autocratic, comand-and-control, and punishment-oriented. Women's styles are defined as team players, democratic, transformational, and reward-oriented.( )
Men or Women: Who's the Better Leader?
I really thought it was interesting that the study done in this article showed that in almost every area of the study women were thought to be better leaders, however women still are not holding many high leadership positions. A quote that I thought was so true is "women have to work twice as hard to get half as far as men" (
I really enjoyed the video we watched in class about the differences between women and men. I thought it was so interesting how true everything she said is. What she said was a generalization, but I felt it was so true. I had never thought about the differences between men and women as being something that we learned from a young age. I liked how she talked about women avoiding confrontation and how almost everything men do is a competition. I liked how she brought up the sports related phrases that we use in our every day life. I have heard most of them, but I didn't really think about how many common phrases are related to sports. I also liked how she talked about how arguments between women dragged on and on, and with men they were really over when they said they were over. Oh how true this is.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Strategic Planning
Strategic planning is very important for businesses. Healthcare is a very competitive market, and having a strategic plan make a company more competitive. It is important for employees and members of a planning committee to have a plan and goals so that everyone know what they are doing and why they are doing it. There will be no question what the ultimate goal is, and everyone will be working towards the same goal. Planning helps a company run more smoothly and keeps everyone on the same page.
Some things I learned in class about strategic planning are that it is important it is important to know what you are working towards with short term goals to keep everyone on track. Communication is key when it comes to strategic planning not only with your team, but with every team that is involved. This was demonstrated during the activity we did in class. We didn't communicate with the other groups and no one won. It is important to communicate and work together for the good of the everyone involved.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Ethical and Legal Responsibilities
As nurses gain more responsibilities in their role they are going to be faced with more ethical and legal issues. As a patient's advocate we are always trying to do what we feel is in the best interest of the patient. This puts us in a situation where we can easily be faced with ethical decisions. I am grateful that there are ethical committees set up to help solves these issues. An ethical committee will be able to come in with an unbiased opinion, and see things in a different light than the other parties that are involved.
The main thing that I learned from our class discussion on ethics is that there is not a clear right and wrong when it comes to ethics. It is a very gray line, and what one person thinks is ethical another person may not is ethical. It is sometimes a very touchy subject, and must be approached carefully.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
1. Leadership requires personal mastery- In order for nurses to be effective leaders they must first master the art and skills of nursing themselves.
2. Leadership is about values- Nurses must poses good values in order to be viewed as a leader. No one is going to follow someone who the believe has poor values
3. Leadership is about service- Leadership in a sense is service. It is not like a manager where you are getting paid more to do more. You are giving your time and energy to serve those who follow you without compensation for it.
4. Leadership is about people and relationships- Nurses are dealing with people who look up to them on a daily basis. It is important for nurses to build a relationship with these people in order to be view as a good leader. We, as nurses want to influence people to make positive changes in their lives. They are much more likely to make these changes if they trust you.
5. Leadership is contextual- There are different situations in which nurses can be leaders. They can be leaders in the community, on the floor that they work on, in their families, and in their education. In each situation there is a different type of leadership that is necessary in order for success.
6. Leadership is about management of meaning- making things meaningful throughout your nursing career can hep you remember the important things you learn, and thus help improve your leadership skills.
7. Leadership is about balance- In order for a nurse to be a good leader they much have balance in their life. I feel a nurse with a good balance in her life would be more understanding, and work much better under a stressful situation than would a leader without balance.
8. Leadership is about continuous learning and improvement- Nursing roles are always changing and advancing. It is important for a nurse to continuously learn and improve in order to be a good leader.
9. Leadership is about effective decision making- Nurses are continuously in situations where they have to make decisions. A good leader will be able to make effective decisions in a timely manner.
10. Leadership is a political process- When I think of political process I think of democracy. Leaders are chosen by their followers. They are not appointed by someone above them like a manager. If no one chooses to follow you, than you are not a leader. This is true in any setting not just nursing.
11. Leadership is about modeling- I am a firm believer in the saying "lead by example" This is true in every area of life including nursing. It is hard to try to teach a patient about eating healthy and exercising to lose weight and decrease the risk of heart disease if you are over weight yourself.
12. Leadership is about integrity- Integrity is such an important part of being a nurse, integrity is also a very important part of being an effective leader.
2. Leadership is about values- Nurses must poses good values in order to be viewed as a leader. No one is going to follow someone who the believe has poor values
3. Leadership is about service- Leadership in a sense is service. It is not like a manager where you are getting paid more to do more. You are giving your time and energy to serve those who follow you without compensation for it.
4. Leadership is about people and relationships- Nurses are dealing with people who look up to them on a daily basis. It is important for nurses to build a relationship with these people in order to be view as a good leader. We, as nurses want to influence people to make positive changes in their lives. They are much more likely to make these changes if they trust you.
5. Leadership is contextual- There are different situations in which nurses can be leaders. They can be leaders in the community, on the floor that they work on, in their families, and in their education. In each situation there is a different type of leadership that is necessary in order for success.
6. Leadership is about management of meaning- making things meaningful throughout your nursing career can hep you remember the important things you learn, and thus help improve your leadership skills.
7. Leadership is about balance- In order for a nurse to be a good leader they much have balance in their life. I feel a nurse with a good balance in her life would be more understanding, and work much better under a stressful situation than would a leader without balance.
8. Leadership is about continuous learning and improvement- Nursing roles are always changing and advancing. It is important for a nurse to continuously learn and improve in order to be a good leader.
9. Leadership is about effective decision making- Nurses are continuously in situations where they have to make decisions. A good leader will be able to make effective decisions in a timely manner.
10. Leadership is a political process- When I think of political process I think of democracy. Leaders are chosen by their followers. They are not appointed by someone above them like a manager. If no one chooses to follow you, than you are not a leader. This is true in any setting not just nursing.
11. Leadership is about modeling- I am a firm believer in the saying "lead by example" This is true in every area of life including nursing. It is hard to try to teach a patient about eating healthy and exercising to lose weight and decrease the risk of heart disease if you are over weight yourself.
12. Leadership is about integrity- Integrity is such an important part of being a nurse, integrity is also a very important part of being an effective leader.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Leadership and Management Theories
How Leadership and Management Theories Impact Nursing Leadership and Management Roles
I believe that it is very important to have both a manager and a leader in nursing. Most of the time it won't be the same person. It is important to have a manager to guide the team, and be in charge. The manager is someone who is paid more to do their job. They attend trainings and meetings to make sure they are up on the current information. It is important to have managers to implement new policies on the floor, address budgetary issues with other staff, and to be the go-between; if there are concerns that need to be addressed at a higher level than them, they can address that issue with hospital administration.
It is also important to have a leader. It is nice to have someone to look up to, and someone you feel confident going to if you have questions. I have come across many nurses who have been great leaders though out my schooling. There have been many who have taken time out of their busy shift to teach me and make sure I know what was going on. This to me is an example of a great leader. They were not getting paid extra to teach me and make sure all my questions were answered, but they still took the time to guide me.
I believe that it is very important to have both a manager and a leader in nursing. Most of the time it won't be the same person. It is important to have a manager to guide the team, and be in charge. The manager is someone who is paid more to do their job. They attend trainings and meetings to make sure they are up on the current information. It is important to have managers to implement new policies on the floor, address budgetary issues with other staff, and to be the go-between; if there are concerns that need to be addressed at a higher level than them, they can address that issue with hospital administration.
It is also important to have a leader. It is nice to have someone to look up to, and someone you feel confident going to if you have questions. I have come across many nurses who have been great leaders though out my schooling. There have been many who have taken time out of their busy shift to teach me and make sure I know what was going on. This to me is an example of a great leader. They were not getting paid extra to teach me and make sure all my questions were answered, but they still took the time to guide me.
Leadership vs. Management
There is an interesting relationship between leadership and management. In some ways they are similar, yet they are still so different. There are some managers that are good leaders, but you don't have to be a good leader in order to be a manager. To me a good leader is someone who is confident, and is truly passionate about what they do. A good manager is someone who is goal oriented, organized, and can delegate tasks to get things done. One article I read said that managers have subordinates, and leaders have followers. Subordinates follow managers because their job depends on it, but those who follow leaders do it by choice (Leadership vs. Management).
One interesting point that was made in class about leaders was that even if they are the most awful person and did the most awful things they could still be a very influential leaders. Hitler comes to mind when I think about this. He convinced millions of people to follow him and do things that they probably would have never even thought about doing. He convinced a whole country to follow him and was unstoppable for such a long time.
Leadership vs Management (n.d.). Retrieved from:
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