Tuesday, February 21, 2012


I have realized just recently that change is a little hard for me. My husband and I just bought a house, and though it is a huge upgrade from the apartment we were living in, and it is in a great neighborhood, I still had a hard time moving. We had lived in our apartment for almost 5 years, and I had made a lot of friends in the area. It was kind of hard for me to move away from what I was comfortable with. We have been in our house for almost 2 weeks now, and I am getting used to the change. I have realized that while I have a hard time letting go of what I am comfortable with, I do not have a hard time getting used to new. I like meeting new people, and I am excited to make new friends.

I think we all learned, from our class exercise, that most of us don't do well with change! I thought it was pretty funny, and though I was concerned with my changing grades, I knew everything was going to work out in the end. I actually didn't mind having most of the class grade coming from participation, and I really liked getting out of class early! I am glad that this was just a lesson in change though, because I really was not liking the changes that were made to my participation grades.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Power & Patient care models


Power is not something to be taken lightly. There are many people looking up to those in a position of power. It is important to know how to properly use power in order to get things done. Someone in a position of power must look confident in what they are doing and sound confident in what they are saying in order for others to believe them. I like the list on the powerpoint about "the art of using power effectively." This list includes: clear decision making, assertiveness, accountability, willingness to express one's own views, being proactive, and decisiveness. All of these things are very important aspects of being a great leader, and being in a position of power.

Patient care models

I am not currently working, but I think that there is not one single patient care model that works best for every healthcare facility. However in doing research about different types of patient care models I really liked the patient focused nursing care model. This care model focuses on the different players in the healthcare field including the patient, doctors, certified nursing assistants, nurses, physical therapy, etc. and what each of their roles is in caring for the patient. I like this patient care model because it separates different responsibilities, and I think this is the best way to care for a patient. Everyone is trained specifically for their job, and this way the patients gets the best care possible.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Men vs Women


This article mentioned that one of the biggest difference between men and women is their ability to communicate or as the article puts it (mis)communicate. I also like how this article defined the difference between men and women in positions of authority. The article statesk "Business women use positions of authority to create a supportive, nurturing environment. Men use positions of authority to create a hierarchal environment in which they issue orders and expect obedience" (http://www.coaching-for-new-women-managers.com/business-women.html).

The article also lists differences between men and women's styles of leadership. Men's styles are task-oriented, autocratic, comand-and-control, and punishment-oriented. Women's styles are defined as team players, democratic, transformational, and reward-oriented.( http://www.coaching-for-new-women-managers.com/business-women.html )

Men or Women: Who's the Better Leader?

I really thought it was interesting that the study done in this article showed that in almost every area of the study women were thought to be better leaders, however women still are not holding many high leadership positions. A quote that I thought was so true is "women have to work twice as hard to get half as far as men" (http://pewresearch.org/pubs/932/men-or-women-whos-the-better-leader).

I really enjoyed the video we watched in class about the differences between women and men. I thought it was so interesting how true everything she said is. What she said was a generalization, but I felt it was so true. I had never thought about the differences between men and women as being something that we learned from a young age. I liked how she talked about women avoiding confrontation and how almost everything men do is a competition. I liked how she brought up the sports related phrases that we use in our every day life. I have heard most of them, but I didn't really think about how many common phrases are related to sports. I also liked how she talked about how arguments between women dragged on and on, and with men they were really over when they said they were over. Oh how true this is.